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영글로그 - 영상을 글로 만든 블로그 :)
스페셜! 애플 이벤트 요약! Apple Event - September 9 본문
안녕하세요 영상을 글로 요약한 블로그
영글로그 입니다.
이번 영상은 애플의 이벤트를 가져와 보았습니다!
요약정리부터 들어갑니다!
애플 워치, 에어팟, 아이폰의 혁신적인 영향
- 애플 워치, 에어팟, 아이폰은 우리 삶에 혁신적인 영향을 주고 있음
- 애플 워치는 활동량, 건강, 연결성 등을 도와주며 수많은 사람들의 삶을 개선
- 애플 워치 시리즈 10은 인체공학적인 디자인과 최대 크기의 디스플레이
시리즈 10: 화면 면적 30% 증가, 밝은 화면, 새로운 알루미늄 마감
- 화면 면적 30% 증가, 폰트 크기 증가
- 각도에서 더 밝고 가시성 좋은 화면
- 새로운 알루미늄 마감, 착용감 편안
Apple 시리즈 10: 가벼우면서 얇고 세련된 디자인
- 시리즈 10은 시리즈 9보다 거의 10% 더 얇습니다.
- 무게도 가벼워지고 배터리 빠르게 충전됩니다.
- 티타늄으로 만든 케이스가 세련된 분위기를 더합니다.
Apple Watch Series 10의 기능과 디자인 소개
- 반응하는 다이얼, 탄탄한 티타늄 디자인
- 친환경적인 제품, 재활용 및 재생에 주력
- 머신 러닝과 인공지능으로 향상된 기능
애플 워치 시리즈 10은 수면무호흡증을 감지할 수 있습니다
- 수면무호흡증을 감지하여 건강 위험을 알려줍니다
- 수면무호흡증은 조용한 위험으로 80%는 진단 받지 못합니다
- FDA 승인 예정, 150개국 이상에서 사용 가능합니다
애플 시리즈10, 수중 활동을 위한 새로운 기능
- 애플 시리즈10은 훨씬 가벼워졌으며 운동에도 좋습니다.
- 수중에서의 활동에 적합한 수심계와 수온 센서가 추가되었습니다.
- 시리즈10은 스노클링과 같은 수중 탐험을 위한 완벽한 제품입니다.
Apple Watch Series 10 및 Ultra 소개
- 시리즈 10은 하루 종일 사용 가능한 배터리 수명 18시간을 갖춘 가장 빠른 충전 시계입니다.
- 수심 및 수온 센서가 탑재되어 수상 활동에 적합합니다.
- 시리즈 10의 지능형 기능과 화려한 컬러밴드로 더욱 멋진 외관을 자랑합니다.
애플 워치 울트라 2 소개
- 오프라인 지도와 사용자 정의 경로 지원
- 내구성과 스크래치 저항력이 뛰어난 티타늄 케이스
- 다양한 활동에 적합한 밴드 옵션 제공
Apple Watch Ultra 2와 AirPods 4 업데이트 소식
- Apple Watch Ultra 2는 내구성 있는 티타늄 케이스와 사파이어 크리스탈을 갖춘 우리의 가장 견고하고 능력있는 Apple Watch입니다.
- Apple Watch Ultra 2는 뛰어난 기능을 갖춘 최고의 스포츠와 어드벤처 시계로, 모든 종류의 러너, 사이클리스트, 수영자, 하이커 및 선수들을 위한 강력한 기능을 제공합니다.
- AirPods 4는 탁월한 착용감과 편안함을 위해 수많은 귀 형태 데이터를 분석하여 설계된 Apple의 가장 편안한 AirPods입니다.
최고 품질의 AirPods Pro 소개
- 리치한 베이스와 선명한 고음
- 개인화된 공간오디오와 머신러닝 기능
- 최첨단 소음 감소 기능과 투명 모드 추가
에어팟4와 에어팟 맥스 출시
- 에어팟4와 에어팟 맥스 출시
- 에어팟4는 개선된 기능과 저렴한 가격
- 에어팟 맥스는 디자인과 음질의 향상
에어팟 프로 2의 3가지 주요 건강 기능 소개
- 에어팟 프로에는 기본으로 이어폰 피팅과 소음 차단 기능이 있습니다.
- 에어팟 프로 2는 예방, 인식, 지원을 위한 3가지 주요 건강 기능을 갖추고 있습니다.
- 에어팟 프로 2는 15억 명 이상의 청력 손실을 겪는 사람들에게 도움이 될 것입니다.
에어팟 프로의 클리닉급 보청기 기능 소개
- 에어팟 프로의 머신러닝 기능으로 소음 억제
- 에어팟 프로와 아이폰으로 클리닉 검사 가능
- 에어팟 프로의 보청기 역할과 기능 소개
에어팟 프로 2의 첨단 기능
- 에어팟 프로 2의 오디오 품질 업데이트
- FDA 승인을 받은 청력 테스트와 보청기 기능 개발
- 에어팟 프로 2와 iOS 18 소프트웨어 업데이트로 세계 최고 수준의 청력 건강을 제공
아이폰 16의 새로운 기능
- 아이폰 16은 아름다운 알루미늄 소재로 만들어졌으며 85% 재활용 물질을 사용합니다.
- 아이폰 16은 탁월한 화질과 내구성을 제공합니다.
- 아이폰 16은 커스터마이즈 가능한 액션 버튼과 새로운 카메라 제어 기능을 도입합니다.
아이폰 16의 A18 칩은 어떤 성능을 가지고 있을까요?
- 아이폰 16의 카메라는 지능을 위한 강력한 도구로 업그레이드 되었습니다.
- A18 칩은 더 빠르고 효율적인 성능을 제공합니다.
- A18 칩은 3nm 기술로 제작되었으며, 높은 성능과 저전력 소비를 보장합니다.
아이폰 16에 대한 애플 인텔리전스
- A18은 아이폰 15의 GPU보다 최대 40% 빠르며, 아이폰 12의 GPU보다 최대 2배 빠르다.
- A18은 A16보다 35% 더 효율적이어서 동일한 성능을 제공하면서도 35% 덜 전력을 소모한다.
- 아이폰 16을 위해 최신 실리콘 혁신을 적용한 A18은 애플 인텔리전스와 같은 경험을 제공할 수 있는 독자적인 제품이다.
애플 인텔리전스의 아이폰 혁신
- 애플 인텔리전스가 아이폰에 통합되어 글쓰기 도구로 활용됨
- 새로운 이모티콘 생성 및 이미지 플레이그라운드를 통한 창의적인 이미지 제작
- 사진 및 동영상을 쉽게 검색하고 추억을 간직할 수 있는 기능
아이폰 16의 애플 인텔리전스로 효율적인 커뮤니케이션 도움
- 사진과 동영상을 스마트하게 배열하여 이야기를 만드는 애플 인텔리전스
- 메일에서 간단하게 이메일 요약을 보여주는 애플 인텔리전스
- 시리를 통해 일상 업무를 가속화하는 애플 인텔리전스
새로운 Siri 기능
- Siri 언어 이해력 강화, 말을 더듬어도 따라감
- Siri가 iPhone에서 다양한 가이드 제공
- 개인 맥락 이해 및 동작 가능, 말로 사진 전송 등
아이폰 16의 새로운 카메라 제어로 시각 지능 활성화
- 아이폰 16의 새로운 카메라 제어로 시각 지능 활용
- 카메라 제어를 통해 실시간 정보 및 이벤트 추가 가능
- 카메라 제어로 구글 검색 및 ChatGPT 활용 가능
아이폰 16의 혁신적인 카메라 제어
- 혁신적인 카메라 제어 디자인
- 고해상도 48MP 메인 카메라
- 카메라 제어로 새로운 경험 및 기능 활용
아이폰 16의 줌 기능과 카메라
- 화질, 빛, 디테일 모두 균형 잡은 24MP 사진
- 12MP 카메라로 2배 줌, 빠른 조리개, 1.6배 밝은 사진 캡처
- 고화질 48MP 사진, 탁월한 저조도 성능, 옵티컬 퀄리티 2배 줌
아이폰 16의 새로운 카메라 기능과 iOS 18 업데이트 소개
- 매크로 사진 촬영 가능
- 48메가픽셀 카메라로 2배 광각 줌 기능
- iOS 18로 자동으로 사진 라이브러리 정리
아이폰 16의 카메라와 게임 기능
- 사진 앱을 사용자 정의 가능
- 카메라 업그레이드와 게임 성능 개선
- AAA 등급 게임 지원
아이폰 16을 위한 광범위한 게임과 배터리 개선
- 한국의 대표 게임 '킹 오브 온 아이폰 16 출시'
- 최적화된 울트라 그래픽 모드로 높은 해상도와 고급 조명 효과가 제공됩니다.
- iOS 18에는 새로운 맞춤 설정 및 안전 기능이 포함되어 있습니다.
아이폰 16, 위성 기능 업데이트 및 새로운 기능 소개
- 미국과 캐나다에서 위성을 통한 메시지 송수신 가능
- 긴급 상황 및 위치 확인 기능은 17개 국가에서 이용 가능
- 영국에서도 길 찾기와 구급 서비스를 위성으로 이용 가능
아이폰 16 프로: 혁신적인 디자인과 성능
- 아이폰 16 프로는 아플 인텔리전스가 적용된 혁신적인 디자인을 갖추고 있다.
- 아이폰 16 프로는 더 큰 디스플레이와 높은 성능으로 사용자에게 최고의 화면체험을 제공한다.
- 아이폰 16 프로는 아플 인텔리전스와 고성능 게이밍을 위한 최적화를 갖추고 있다.
다기능 앱으로 효율적인 협업, 시리가 도와줌
- 시리가 개인적인 의미론적 인덱스로 정보를 빠르게 찾아줌
- 회의를 기록하면 애플 인텔리전스가 요약을 생성함
- 전문적인 톤으로 노트를 다시 작성하는데 도움이 됨
iPhone 16 Pro, A18 Pro Chip 소개
- Siri로 특정 사진 불러오고 편집 가능
- 위치 스카우트로 사진 촬영 공간 개선 제안
- A18 Pro 칩으로 빠르고 효율적인 성능 수행
아이폰 16 Pro의 고급 카메라 기능
- A17 Pro 대비 15% 빠른 CPU
- A17 Pro 대비 20% 적은 전력 사용
- 아이폰 16 Pro의 고급 카메라 기능
아이폰 16 Pro Max와 16 Pro의 혁신적인 테트라 프리즘 디자인
- 아이폰 16 Pro에는 3개의 새로운 카메라가 탑재됩니다.
- 카메라 컨트롤로 렌즈를 전환하고 편리하게 촬영할 수 있습니다.
- 사진 스타일을 직접 조정하고 맞춤 설정할 수 있습니다.
아이폰의 새로운 비디오 기능
- 프로 편집 기능 실시간으로 가능
- 4K 120 프레임으로 슬로모 가능
- 프레임 속도 조정 가능한 새로운 사진 앱
아이폰 16 Pro의 강력한 비디오 및 오디오 업그레이드
- 4K 120 HDR로 빠르게 촬영 가능
- 카메라 제어로 샷 프레임을 설정하는 기능
- 4개의 스튜디오 품질 마이크로 더 높은 품질의 오디오 녹음
아이폰 16 Pro로 음악 비디오 촬영하는 방법
- 스튜디오 믹스와 시네마틱 믹스로 음향 효과를 즐길 수 있습니다.
- 보이스 메모 앱에서 음악 녹음 시 다른 트랙을 레이어링할 수 있습니다.
- 아이폰 16 Pro로 음악 비디오를 슬로우 모션으로 촬영할 수 있습니다.
아이폰 16 Pro의 카메라 기능과 MagSafe 생태계 업데이트
- Abel과 함께 촬영하는 것은 쉽고 효과적이다.
- 아이폰 16 Pro의 카메라로는 초광각 렌즈와 새로운 사진 스타일을 활용하여 고품질 촬영이 가능하다.
- MagSafe 생태계 업데이트로 아이폰 16 Pro가 더욱 편리하고 강력해졌다.
iPhone 16 Pro: Environmentally Friendly Packaging and Advanced Features
- 100% fiber-based packaging made from renewable resources
- Slimmer packaging reduces shipping impacts
- Advanced features and a meaningful impact on daily lives
아이폰 16과 아이폰 16 Pro의 혁신적인 기능
- 아이폰 16은 A18 칩셋과 48 메가픽셀 퓨전 카메라를 탑재하여 사진 경험을 향상시킵니다.
- 아이폰 16 Pro는 A18 Pro 칩셋과 대형 디스플레이, 카메라 컨트롤과 스튜디오 퀄리티 오디오를 제공합니다.
- 이러한 혁신적인 제품들은 우리 삶에 의미 있는 영향을 더욱 깊게 끼칠 것입니다.
***전체 스크립트
Speaker 1
Welcome to the best.
Speaker 2
Oh, my God.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Good morning. Welcome to Apple Park. Today we're going to talk about Apple Watch, AirPods, and iPhone, and the profound impact these products are making in our lives. Thanks to their advanced technologies and seamless integration of hardware, software, and services, they deliver experiences powerfully and intuitively, helping us stay healthy, connected, productive, and entertained. For years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been essential in delivering so many of the features and experiences you love. In June, we launched Apple Intelligence, our powerful new personal intelligence system which will have an incredible impact. Today, we have exciting announcements to share about Apple Watch and AirPods.
Speaker 2
And we are thrilled to introduce the first iPhone designed from the ground up for Apple intelligence and its breakthrough capabilities. Let's start with apple watch. Apple watch has deeply impacted the lives of millions of people around the world. It's helped them stay active, healthy, and connected right from their wrist, and it's helped save countless lives along the way. I receive messages every day from users telling me how Apple Watch makes their lives better in ways both big and small. The impact Apple Watch has made on so many people around the world is the result of constant innovation. Every year, we add features and capabilities that not long ago would have seemed impossible to fit into a single device, let alone one small enough to wear on your wrist.
Speaker 2
Today, we're building on the advanced technologies pioneered with Apple watch to make it even more useful, essential, and intelligent. And we're doing it all in this beautiful new design.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Introducing apple watch series 10 with our biggest display and thinnest design ever. Here's Jeff to tell you all about it.
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Apple Watch is an indispensable companion, and the display is central to everything you do with it. From discreetly checking the time to scanning a notification to a quick glance at your workout metrics, how easily you can read the screen is crucial. That's why, for Series 10, we developed the largest and most advanced display ever for Apple Watch. It's the biggest wearable display we've ever built, even slightly bigger than apple watch ultra. And compared to previous generations, it has up to 30% more screen area. With a larger screen, you can increase the font size without sacrificing content. And you can see an additional line of text and apps like messages, mail, or news. It also makes it easier to type a message, enter your passcode, or pause your workout.
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Both the display and the case have more rounded corners and a wider aspect ratio, which makes Series 10 appear softer. sleeker, and more streamlined. The front crystal of Series 10 is made of durable Ionix glass and extends further down the sides of the case, creating an expansive top view. Under the front crystal is Apple's first-ever wide-angle OLED display. Each pixel has been optimized to emit more light at wider angles. Often, you look at your watch from an angle, like while you're walking, typing on a keyboard, or when your hand is resting in your lap. So we made the display on Series X up to 40% brighter when viewed from an angle, which improves visibility and makes it easier to read your watch with a quick glance.
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We also developed wide-angle OLEDs to be extremely power efficient, which allows the display to update once a second and always on mode instead of just once a minute. Now, a ticking second's hand is visible even when your wrist is down. It makes Series 10 feel more alive all of the time. You can see the effect on Flux, a bold new watch face that takes full advantage of the large display, filling the screen with color second by second. It was designed to complement Series 10's new aluminum finishes starting with Jet Black. It's our first-ever polished aluminum finish for Apple Watch. This deep, glossy black was developed specifically for Series 10. The case is made from our durable aluminum alloy and polished using silica nanoparticles until the surface achieves a reflective shine.
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Then, it goes through a 30-step anodization process, which bonds organic dye to the housing at a molecular level. Joining Jet Black is a beautiful warm rose gold, along with our ever-popular silver aluminum. The comfort of Apple Watch is so important because you wear it Wear it day and night. For anything you wear continuously, comfort is a function of size, shape, and weight. And on your wrist, every millimeter and every gram matters. That's why we pushed the limits of technology to make Series 10 the thinnest Apple Watch ever. At just 9.7 millimeters, it's nearly 10% thinner than Series 9, a significant reduction considering how compact Apple Watch already is. Achieving this radically thinner profile required further miniaturization of several already tiny internal modules, like the SIP, digital crown, and speaker.
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The speaker system was completely re-engineered to be 30% smaller without any compromise to acoustic performance. And for the first time on Apple Watch, you can play media like music or podcasts directly through the speaker. It's great for when you don't have your AirPods handy. Also contributing to Siri's 10's thinner design is an innovative metal back that fully integrates the antenna into the housing itself, combining two layers into one. A thin isolation split encircles the metal back for great cellular performance. And it's bonded to a watertight layer that maintains 50 meter water resistance, so you can still shower, swim, and surf. The new metal back also accommodates a larger and more efficient charging coil, making Series X the fastest charging Apple Watch ever.
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In just 30 minutes, you can get up to 80% battery, making it easier to charge your watch whenever it fits into your day. The smaller speaker, metal back, and other innovations make Series X not only thinner, but also lighter weight. Aluminum cases weigh up to 10% less than the previous generation. And we're introducing another lightweight material in a gorgeous new finish polished titanium. This year, Grade 5 titanium replaces stainless steel. With titanium's remarkable strength-to-weight ratio, Series 10 weighs almost 20% less than the stainless steel Series 9. The case is made of aerospace-grade titanium that's polished to a mirror-like shine, then PVD-coated in one of three stunning colors natural, gold, and a dark slate gray.
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And we've updated the elegant Milanese loop and Classic Link bracelet to perfectly match the titanium finishes. The uninterrupted lines of case, back, and watch band celebrate the beauty of metal. To complete the metallic look, the Reflections face has an intricate shimmering dial that reacts subtly to your movements and transitions gracefully to always-on mode. The sleek shape, expansive display, sapphire front crystal and sophisticated finishes make Series 10 the most refined expression of Apple Watch yet. Titanium Series 10 joins the lineup as our next carbon neutral product. It's made with 95% recycled titanium and manufactured with 100% renewable electricity. And to reduce emissions from transportation, we prioritize non-air shipping.
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Of course, inside Series 10 is custom Apple silicon, which powers all the incredible capabilities of every Apple Watch. The new S10 Zip is designed for performance, power efficiency, and intelligence. Its four-core neural engine quickly processes machine learning tasks and uses advanced transformer models to power the intelligent features you already use every day, like double tap, on-device Siri, dictation, and automatic workout detection. Plus, it enables crash detection and fall detection, which uses machine learning to identify the motion signatures and impact forces that occur during slips, trips, and falls.
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And to improve phone calls, Series 10 uses a new neural network to suppress background noise, so you sound clear and crisp on the other end Even in noisy environments like a crowded restaurant, city street, or windy day, watchOS 11 brings even more intelligence to Apple Watch. Now, the smart stack automatically adds new widgets right when you need them. The new Photos face uses machine learning to identify, score, and curate the best photos from your library. And the Translate app comes to Apple Watch, using machine learning for speech recognition and rapid translation. Of course, intelligence powers many of the health features on Apple Watch as well. Here's Sumbul to tell you more.
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With the compact design of Series 10 plus the fastest charging ever, it's so easy to wear your Apple Watch day and night, unlocking insightful and intelligent features for your health. Your Apple Watch can remind you to take your medications and alert you to loud environments that could impact your hearing. It can also notify you if your heart shows signs of atrial fibrillation. And we hear stories nearly every day about the impact these irregular rhythm notifications have had in helping users seek and receive critical care. While you're sleeping, Apple Watch can measure wrist temperature to detect when you likely ovulated, identify changes in your daily health status with the new Vitals app, and determine how much time you spend in each sleep stage. And now, Series 10 can also alert you to a major health condition that impacts over a billion people worldwide sleep apnea. It's a potentially serious condition where breathing stops repeatedly and causes disrupted sleep.
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Sleep plays such a vital role in our overall health and well-being, and people with sleep apnea can experience excessive daytime tiredness, have difficulties concentrating, and be more irritable. If left untreated, sleep apnea can also have significant consequences on your health, including increased risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cardiac issues. But one of the biggest challenges is that 80% of people with sleep apnea are undiagnosed, so they don't know they have the condition. To detect sleep apnea, Apple Watch uses the accelerometer to monitor a new metric during sleep called breathing disturbances. You can view your nightly values in the Health app, which can also help you understand the restfulness of your sleep. Every 30 days, Apple Watch will analyze your breathing disturbance data and notify you if it shows consistent signs of moderate to severe sleep apnea.
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As always, your data is secured in the Health app, which will tell you when sleep apnea may have occurred, and provide education on the importance of speaking with your healthcare provider, plus a detailed report to support that conversation. The detection algorithm was developed using advanced machine learning with an extensive dataset of clinical grade sleep apnea tests. It was then validated in a clinical study unprecedented in size for sleep apnea technology. We are so excited about the incredible impact this feature can make for the millions of people living with undiagnosed sleep apnea. We expect clearance from the FDA and other regulators very soon, with availability in over 150 countries and regions this month, including the US, Europe, and Japan. In addition to Series 10, sleep apnea notifications will also be available on Series 9 and Ultra 2. Like health, fitness is one of the core benefits of Apple Watch. To tell you more about what's new, here's Jules.
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Apple Watch helps keep you active. The activity rings motivate millions of people every day to take a walk, hit the gym, or go for a ride. And the redesign of Series 10 makes it even better for workouts. Runners, cyclists, and athletes of all kinds will appreciate the lighter weight, and it's easy to read your workout metrics on the bigger display. This year, Series 10 gets a built-in depth gauge and a water temperature sensor, making it even better for activities in and around the water. The Depth app launches automatically when submerged, allowing you to see depth to 6 meters or about 20 feet, along with water temperature, which is also visible in the Workout app for pool and open water swims. These new capabilities make Series 10 perfect for snorkeling, a popular way to explore the underwater world.
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This year, Hewish Outdoors is bringing their Oceanic to Series 10, with features designed specifically for snorkeling, like the ability to track time, max depth, direction, and other metrics underwater. For activities like surfing, fishing, or simply playing in the waves, we're introducing the Tides app in watchOS 11. It shows seven days of information, including rising, falling, high and low tides, sunrise, and sunset. And there's data for coastlines all over the world. For kayakers, canoers, and rowers, the Workout app now shows distance, speed, and gives you a route map. And with the Paddle Logger app, you can create a float plan and rely on haptic feedback from your Apple Watch to stay on course. Series 10 is great for all of your fitness activities. And the addition of depth, water temperature, and the Tides app make it even better for your aquatic adventures too.
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Now back to Jeff.
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That's apple watch series 10. It's the thinnest Apple Watch ever, with our largest and most advanced display in a sleek, lightweight, all-metal case that comes in gorgeous new finishes of aluminum and polished titanium. The design of Series 10 is truly a milestone of watchmaking. It has the powerful S10 SIP and a breakthrough new Sleep Apnea feature. Series 10 is our fastest charging watch yet with all-day 18-hour battery life. New depth and water temperature sensors make it great for water activities. It includes the intelligent new features of watchOS 11, and it looks fantastic with this year's watch bands, with bold colorways from Nike and refined new styles from Hermes. We can't wait for you to experience how great Series 10 feels on your wrist. Apple Watch Series 10 starts at $399.
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order starting today and it will be available on September 20th. Next, let's talk about apple watch ultra. Ultra is the most rugged and capable Apple Watch with all of the powerful and intelligent features that help keep you connected, healthy, and safe. And it's also the ultimate sports watch. Here's Stan to tell you more.
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Ultra is the perfect companion for athletes. It has great battery life to last through an Ironman, an action button for precise workout control, and a depth gauge for scuba. Plus, with dual-frequency GPS and advanced positioning software, Ultra delivers the most accurate GPS in a sport.
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Sports Watch.
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Ultra has the metrics, views, and experiences runners need, like custom workouts, heart rate zones, pacing features, and even an industry-first automatic running track detection. And the new Training Load feature provides helpful insights to make it easier for you to smartly plan when to push and when to recover, especially if you are training or preparing for a race. Ultra is also great for cyclists. In addition to distance, speed, elevation, and heart rate, cyclists can easily view their workout as a live activity on iPhone or connect power meters to Ultra for more metrics and experiences like cadence and power zones. Apple Watch Ultra helps you get the most out of your swim workouts with features like automatic stroke detection and lap count. WatchOS 11 brings custom workouts to pool swims. It tracks your intervals, guides you through your current segment, and gives you a snapshot of what's next.
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Ultra is also perfect for hiking, whether it's a day trip or a long trek. Along with the advanced Compass app that includes Latitude, Longitude, Waypoints, and Backtrack, watchOS 11 supports offline maps, complete with custom route creation and turn-by-turn directions to use when your iPhone isn't nearby or powered on. and apple watch ultra is the best sports watch for so many more activities, like when you're out golfing, on the slopes skiing or snowboarding, or enjoying the ocean, diving, surfing, or rowing. It also delivers all of the other core features of Apple Watch that keep you active, healthy, connected, and safe. This fall, we're excited to bring a stunning new finish to Ultra.
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Ultra II is now available in a gorgeous satin black. This incredible deep dark finish is achieved through a custom blasting process. The diamond-like carbon PVD coating was specifically formulated to make the surface extremely scratch resistant and durable. Every Ultra case is made with 95% recycled grade 5 titanium. It's the same material used by the aerospace industry. And there is a beautiful matching dark zirconia back crystal. Completing this new look are updated bands with matching black titanium hardware. We're also excited to introduce a new Ultra band, the titanium milanese loop. Inspired by stainless steel mesh historically used by divers, this new band is made from corrosion-resistant titanium and designed for scuba. Titanium wire is woven, flattened, and polished to create a smooth surface that wraps fluidly around your wrist.
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The parachute-style buckle has dual side release buttons that close with an audible click. And like all UltraBands, is designed to stay securely on your wrist. It's surprisingly lightweight and elegant enough for any occasion. Available in both natural and black, the Titanium Milanese Loop joins new colors of the trail loop, alpine loop, and Ocean Band. And this year, we're extending our partnership with Hermes to Ultra. The new Enmer Band is made of a high-density 3D knit with a titanium buckle designed for water sports. And the exclusive Hermes Maritime watch face features high-visibility numerals, and the action button launches a sailing-inspired countdown timer. That's apple watch ultra 2. Now back to Jeff.
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Apple Watch Ultra 2 is our most rugged and capable Apple Watch with a durable titanium case and sapphire front crystal. Now, in a stunning black with a matching Milanese loop, it includes the intelligent features of WatchOS 11. Ultra is the ultimate sports and adventure watch with powerful capabilities for runners, cyclists, swimmers, hikers, and athletes of all types. Apple Watch Ultra 2 starts at $799. You can pre-order starting today, and it will be available on September 20th. Apple Watch Ultra 2 joins the completely redesigned Apple Watch Series 10 and the popular apple watch se. We couldn't be more excited about the Apple Watch lineup for 2024 and the continued impact it will have on users' lives.
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And this year, any Apple Watch in any finish can be carbon neutral, giving you even more choice with a lower carbon impact. It's one more step towards Apple 2030, our commitment to be carbon neutral across our entire footprint. Back to Tim.
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These are the most beautiful and capable watches we've ever created. Now let's talk about AirPods. AirPods forever changed what we imagined great headphones could be. They are the most loved and most popular headphones in the world. AirPods provide an incredible audio experience and are magically easy to use. This year, we have significant updates across the entire lineup. So let's start off with the new generation of AirPods.
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Hello, I got places to be.
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Introducing AirPods 4. Here's Kate to tell you more.
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AirPods 4 build on the original industry-defining design loved by millions of people to set an entirely new bar for fit and comfort. The geometry of our ears is unique to each one of us, and creating one shape that naturally fits people around the world is a significant challenge. We used advanced modeling tools like 3D photogrammetry and laser topography to build an unparalleled data set. We precisely mapped and analyzed thousands of ear shapes, generating over 50 million individual data points. This helped us refine the design to create our most comfortable AirPods ever. These also have incredible technology powered by the H2 chip, which is the most advanced in the industry, unlocking experiences only Apple Silicon can deliver. That starts with a massive improvement in audio quality, thanks to a new acoustic architecture.
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With richer bass and crystal clear highs, these are the best sounding AirPods ever in this open ear design. And that includes personalized spatial audio, which surrounds you with sound and transforms music, movies, and games with our most immersive media experience. AirPods are also perfect for taking calls hands-free, and machine learning makes this experience even better. When interacting with Siri, you can simply nod your head yes or shake your head no in response to Siri announcements. And for clearer call quality for whomever you're speaking to, voice isolation instantly removes the background noise around you, no matter your environment. Call from Francis Lee. Answer it.
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Hey, John.
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Give me a minute. Yeah, the girls are practicing in the garage. I hear you perfectly. You're not hearing that? As they heard loud. Oh yeah.
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In addition, with a quick press on the force sensor, you have even more control to play or pause music and to mute or end calls. To make these AirPods even more convenient to charge and carry with you everywhere you go, the charging case has USB-C, and we've made it the smallest, most portable case ever for AirPods, while delivering up to 30 hours of total battery life. Now, for those who are looking for an even more advanced performance in this style of AirPods, we created a second model inspired by some of the most impactful features of AirPods Pro. We're excited to bring Active Noise Cancellation to this AirPods design for the first time. With upgraded microphones, the power of the H2 chip, and advanced computational audio, these AirPods will help to reduce environmental noise, like airplane engines and city traffic.
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So you can have a great listening experience at even lower volumes without sacrificing sound quality. We're also adding our industry leading transparency mode, which provides the most natural way to hear the environment around you exactly as it sounds. With the introduction of listening modes to these AirPods, it was important to include the magic of adaptive audio, which automatically reduces noise for you as the environment changes. So you don't need to switch modes when you're moving from a quiet area to a noisy one. And to make it even easier to engage with those nearby while wearing AirPods, conversation awareness will help to seamlessly lower your media volume when you start talking to someone. Hey, Abby. How's your morning going? Hey, Michelle. Um, can I get... And bring it back when you're done. You got it.
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For even more convenience, we've also added wireless charging to this charging case. You can use Apple Watch or Qi certified chargers, and we've added a speaker to the case for help with Find My. These new models are the best open-ear AirPods we've ever built, with game-changing audio performance powered by advanced machine learning that enables personalized spatial audio and active noise cancellation, with voice isolation, Siri interactions, and so much more. We've also removed the outer plastic wrap, utilized 100% fiber-based materials, and reduced the packaging by more than 30% to help decrease our emissions from shipping and move closer to our commitment of becoming carbon neutral by 2030. The next generation AirPods 4 are just $129, and AirPods 4 with active noise cancellation are $179.
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You can pre-order them today and they will be available on September 20th. Next, with an exceptionally crafted over-the-ear design, there's AirPods Max, which people around the world absolutely love. Featuring the highest fidelity sound quality and amazing active noise cancellation, AirPods Max deliver the ultimate personal listening experience. We're excited to introduce beautiful new colors in midnight, blue, purple, orange, and Starlight, along with USB-C, making AirPods Max even more convenient to charge. And with iOS 18, the listening experience gets even better with personalized spatial audio for music, movies, and games. AirPods Max are still $549. They can be pre-ordered today and will also be available on September 20th. These are the breakthrough new AirPods 4 and updated AirPods Max.
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Now, let's talk about our most popular and the single best-selling headphone in the world, AirPods Pro. This design with eartips provides an incredible audio experience that includes pro-level active noise cancellation, a crystal clear transparency mode, and the longest battery life. And now we're adding profound new benefits that can expand the role AirPods play in our lives. Here's Sumbul to tell you more.
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At Apple, we believe that technology can help you live a healthier life, and we're excited to enable incredible new health capabilities for people around the world with AirPods Pro. Hearing is an essential part of how so many of us communicate and experience the people and the world around us. But hearing loss can significantly affect these important experiences and relationships impacting your quality of life. the world health organization estimates that more than 1.5 billion people are living with hearing loss. If left unaddressed, this can affect your short- and long-term health, including increased risk of cognitive decline, falls, and social isolation, which contributes to depression. And all of these factors can impact your longevity as well. Over the last several years, we've developed important building blocks in this space with the Noise app on Apple Watch, headphone audio exposure on iPhone and the apple hearing study.
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With over 160,000 participants, it's one of the largest studies of its kind. Through this work, we've gained deeper insights into the issues surrounding hearing health, which inspired us to do even more. So today, we're introducing three major health features for AirPods Pro 2, focused on prevention, awareness, and assistance. Let's start with prevention. One in three people are regularly exposed to environmental noise levels that could impact their hearing. To put this into perspective, there are all kinds of sounds that can be concerning in daily life. Whether that's commuting, mowing the lawn at home, or when you're headed to that next event. The more you're exposed, the more it can impact your hearing. To help our users minimize their exposure, we're adding hearing protection to AirPods Pro on by default across listening modes. The ear tips help to provide passive noise reduction.
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Whether you're attending a live show or playing at the show, machine learning on the H2 chip actively reduces louder, more intermittent noise at 48,000 times per second. Hearing protection can help you across a variety of loud environments, preserving the entire dynamic range of what you're listening to. Next, let's talk about awareness. Because hearing loss often worsens gradually, it can be really hard to detect. And even with tests that are available, 80% of adults in the U.S. have not had their hearing checked in the last five years. To give you insight into your hearing health, we're introducing a clinically validated hearing test with your AirPods Pro and iPhone. It's a simple five-minute check you can take from the comfort of your own home. All you need to do is tap the screen when you hear a series of tones at different volumes and frequencies. The hearing test builds on learnings from the Apple Hearing Study and was developed using large-scale real-world data.
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And it was validated against the clinical gold standard of pure tone audiometry. Once you're done, you'll see easy-to-understand results in a personalized hearing profile. And like the rest of your health data, these results will be stored privately and securely in the Health app, where you can take regular tests, learn more about hearing loss, and share your results with your healthcare provider. Learning if you have hearing loss is a critical step to getting the hearing assistance you need, which can often be challenging due to high cost and a limited audio experience. And global research shows hearing loss often goes untreated. In fact, the Apple Hearing Study revealed that a staggering 75% of people diagnosed with hearing loss haven't received the assistive support they need. So we are really excited to announce that this fall, AirPods Pro will have a clinical-grade, over-the-counter hearing aid feature.
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We're adding this groundbreaking capability to help more than 1 billion people living with mild to moderate hearing loss. After you take a hearing test, your AirPods Pro are transformed into a personalized hearing aid, boosting the specific sounds you need in real time, like parts of speech or elements within your environment. This will allow you to hear your surroundings better to help keep you safe and connect you with people nearby. So it's even easier to hear and engage in conversations. Happy birthday, Mom.
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We're here to celebrate you. And I'm so proud to be called your son.
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And with the amazing audio quality of AirPods Pro, your hearing profile is automatically applied to music, movies, and phone calls across all your devices without needing to adjust any settings at all. We are so excited for these updates coming to AirPods Pro 2, delivering the world's first all-in-one experience with active hearing protection, a clinical-grade hearing test, and an easy-to-use professional-grade hearing aid. Building on years of impactful work, these innovations are driven by our unique integration of hardware and software and are something only Apple can deliver. We expect to receive clearance from the FDA and other regulators soon, with availability of the hearing test and hearing aid features this fall in over 100 countries and regions, including the US, Germany, and Japan. These features will be available in a software update coming to AirPods Pro 2 and iOS 18 to help make hearing health significantly more approachable for so many people.
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Now, I'll pass back to Kate.
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These are the breakthrough updates and category-defining innovations that take the entire AirPods product line to the next level. With the best open-ear audio performance ever in AirPods 4, a transformational end-to-end hearing health experience for AirPods Pro 2, and stunning new colors with USB-C charging for AirPods Max. And now, back to Tim.
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I'm proud that we're continuing to deliver on Apple's commitment to health with a breakthrough experience that will enrich so many people's lives. With updates across the AirPods lineup, we continue to take the best personal audio experience in the world even further. Now let's talk about iPhone. iPhone continues to make a profound impact on all of our lives. Its power and capability enable us to get so much done so quickly and so easily. Like connecting with our family and friends, staying productive on the go, and capturing life's special moments. Apple intelligence will supercharge these experiences and so many more. It puts powerful generative models right at the core of your iPhone, making it even more useful and delightful.
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The next generation of iPhone has been designed for Apple intelligence from the ground up. It marks the beginning of an exciting new era, and here it is. iPhone 16 raises the bar for what an iPhone can do. Here's Cayenne to tell you more.
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IPhone 16 has a vibrant new look. It is made from beautiful aerospace-grade aluminum with 85% recycled content in the enclosure. iPhone 16 celebrates color in an unparalleled way. We evolved the process of developing our unique and durable color-infused back glass to create new, rich colors ultramarine, teal, and pink. Together with white and black, they create a bold new palette. iPhone 16 is built to last with industry-leading durability. It is water and dust resistant and has our new most advanced glass ceramic formulation.
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This latest generation ceramic shield material is 50% tougher than the first generation ceramic shield and two times tougher than glass bound in any other smartphone the display on iphone 16 provides an exceptional viewing experience under all conditions up to 2 000 nits when you're in a sunny environment and down to one minute in the dark and it comes in two sizes 6.1 inches for iphone 16 and 6.7 inches for iphone 16 plus iPhone 16 now has the customizable Action button, allowing you to perform a variety of functions with just a press. You can record a voice memo, identify a song, or translate a phrase. You can also customize the Action button with a shortcut, so it opens Calendar during the day and Flashlight at night.
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or use it to directly access in-app functionality, like unlocking and locking your car with the FordPass app. iPhone 16 introduces the all-new camera control. The camera control provides instant, easy access to the camera with just a click. It allows you to adjust various camera features simply by sliding your finger. Its convenient design ensures it's always within reach. And with iPhone 16, the camera becomes even more important, now serving as a powerful tool for intelligence. the camera control offers instant access to a set of visual intelligence features. IPhone 16's beautiful design is joined by powerful performance inside. Every experience on iPhone is powered by Apple Silicon.
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With industry-leading processing power and efficiency, Apple Silicon is at the heart of new capabilities, starting with apple intelligence. Here's sri to tell you all about it.
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Running powerful experiences like Apple Intelligence on device needs a chip with substantial high-performance compute. It needs memory to store large models and bandwidth to access them quickly. And of course, phenomenal energy efficiency. So we're bringing our latest breakthroughs and jumping two generations ahead from A16 Bionic in iPhone 15 to A18, our brand new chip created specifically for iPhone 16. A18 features an upgraded 16-core neural engine that is optimized for running large generative models. This neural engine is up to two times faster for machine learning. And it's not just a neural engine. We've also upgraded A18's memory subsystem, including 17% more system memory bandwidth.
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This is critical to give the chip the fastest, most efficient access to our generative models, as well as drive the performance of Apple intelligence. A18 is built using second-generation 3nm technology. This 3nm technology has even smaller transistors that are faster and more energy efficient. A18 has our latest generation 6-core CPU with 2 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores. These are critical as they're used in nearly every experience on iPhone, including Apple Intelligence. It is up to 30% faster than the CPU in iPhone 15 and up to 60% faster than the CPU in iPhone 12. And thanks to our design and the latest transistors, the CPU is more energy efficient than A16 Bionic and can deliver the same performance using 30% less power.
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This CPU is faster than all the competition, challenging even high-end desktop PCs. A18 also features features our latest desktop class GPU architecture. This new 5-core GPU plays a huge role in everything from Apple intelligence to camera features and graphics intense games. It is up to 40% faster than the GPU in iPhone 15 and up to two times faster than the GPU in iPhone 12. The GPU is also more efficient than A16, delivering the same performance using 35% less power. A18 is in a class of its own, built with our latest silicon innovations to power experiences like Apple Intelligence on iPhone 16. Over to Craig to tell you more about Apple Intelligence.
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Your iPhone is the most personal product in your life. It's part of so many things that make you, you. Like your relationships and messages, your photos and memories, your calendar, notes, and more. Now, we're bringing together that personal context with the power of generative models to deliver intelligence that understands you. And we're doing it in a way that protects your privacy. Apple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system at the heart of the iPhone 16 lineup, with the ability to understand and create language, as well as images, and take action on your behalf to simplify daily tasks. And each of these powerful capabilities is grounded in your personal context. This is only possible thanks to our unique integration of hardware and software.
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Apple Intelligence draws on the immense power of our silicon to run multiple generative models on the iPhone in your pocket. These models are built by Apple and fine-tuned for your everyday iPhone experiences, and they adapt dynamically to your current activity. For more computationally intensive tasks, Apple Intelligence can unlock even more intelligence with Private Cloud Compute. Private Cloud Compute maintains the privacy and security of your iPhone while giving you access to generative models much larger than what fits in your pocket today. It runs on servers we built especially with Apple Silicon. Protecting your personal information when accessing server-based intelligence requires a fundamental breakthrough in how these systems are built, and Private Cloud Compute delivers just that. When you draw on private cloud compute, your data is never stored or shared with Apple.
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It's used only to fulfill your requests and in a first for the industry, independent experts can continuously verify this privacy promise. This is an extraordinary step forward for privacy and ai. Plus, apple silicon servers deliver world-class energy efficiency. And like all our data centers, they run on 100% renewable electricity. As part of Apple 2030, our commitment to make Apple carbon neutral across our entire footprint. Apple Intelligence is integrated throughout the system across so many of the apps you use day to day. Let's take a look at four ways Apple Intelligence will transform so much of what you do with your iPhone, like how you communicate and express yourself, starting with writing tools. We're deeply integrating them into iOS, making them accessible virtually everywhere you type.
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So you'll be able to rewrite hastily written notes into a polished dinner party invite, adjust the tone of that Slack message to your boss to sound a little more professional, or proofread your latest review on Goodreads before posting it to your fellow bookworms. Though sometimes the best way to get your point across isn't with words, it's with emoji. And you'll be able to create new emoji simply by typing a description, giving you the perfect response for your group thread. With endless possibilities, you could let your imagination run wild or create fun original images with Image Playground. Along with a new dedicated app on iPhone, it'll be integrated right into apps like Messages. Next, iPhone holds so many of your photos, and Apple Intelligence will give you brand new ways to relive precious memories.
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Suppose you've got a photo in mind that you took ages ago but can't remember exactly when or where. Just describe it by typing something like Shawnee dancing in a red dress and Apple Intelligence will find it for you. It even works for getting straight to a specific moment in a video. You'll also be able to create an entire movie to revisit a favorite memory just by typing a description of whatever you have in mind, like the kids learning to crochet with Aunt Fiona. Apple Intelligence will automatically find relevant photos and videos and smartly arrange them into a storyline. We hope you'll enjoy building your own collection of movies that you can share and relive for years to come. Now, let's talk about how Apple Intelligence on iPhone 16 will help you prioritize and focus on your most essential communication. In Mail, it'll be easy to quickly survey your inbox.
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Instead of seeing the first couple lines of your emails, you'll see summaries that convey the most useful information. Your notifications will be summarized too, helping you quickly get the gist. And priority notifications will be placed at the top of your stack so you won't miss a last-minute invitation. All throughout our day, we turn to iPhone to help us get things done. And a great way to accelerate everyday tasks is with Siri. Apple Intelligence marks the start of a new era for Siri and makes it more natural, more contextually relevant, and more personal to you. With richer language understanding, Siri will follow along if you stumble over your words.
Speaker 14
Hey Siri, who is the architect behind the museum of... Wait, no, not the museum. The Palace of Fine Arts.
Speaker 15
Bernard Maybeck designed the Palace of Fine Arts,
Speaker 13
And you'll always have the option to type to Siri. Great for those times when you want to make your request a little more discreetly. With its new expansive knowledge about features and settings, Siri will give you step-by-step guidance on how to do something on your iPhone, like deleting duplicate photos from your library. This will be great for everyone, and especially for anyone new to iPhone. And there's so much more to come. Siri will be able to tap into your personal context to help you in ways that are unique to you, like pulling up the recommendation for the TV show that your brother sent you last month. And Siri will gain on-screen awareness. So when your friend texts you about a new album, you'll be able to simply say, Play that! and it will be able to take hundreds of new actions in your apps, like updating a friend's contact card with his new address or adding a set of photos to a specific album.
Speaker 13
With Siri's personal context understanding and action capabilities, able to simply say, Send Erica the photos from Saturday's barbecue, and Siri will dig up the photos and send them right off. With new ways to express yourself and relive memories, along with tools to help you prioritize and focus so you can get more done, Apple Intelligence is going to transform so much of what you do with iPhone. Apple Intelligence will be available as a free software update. The first set of features will be available in beta next month, with more features rolling out in the months to come. We're starting with US English in most regions around the world. We'll add localized English for australia, canada, new zealand, south africa, and the UK in December. We're working to expand Apple Intelligence to more languages, like Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish. And we'll be rolling these out next year. And this is just the beginning.
Speaker 13
As we look ahead, we'll continue to bring more personal intelligence to the apps and experiences that you use every day. Now, I'd like to show you something really cool that we've created especially for iPhone 16. Your iPhone is with you everywhere you go, and we wanted to give you the ability to instantly learn about everything you see. Visual Intelligence is just a click away with iPhone 16's new camera control that Cayenne introduced earlier. Let me show you. Suppose you're out for a stroll and you stumble upon a restaurant you haven't been to before. Just click and hold the camera control and point your iPhone. With just a click, boom! Your iPhone instantly pulls up restaurant hours, ratings, and quick options to check out the menu or make a reservation. And you can learn more with just a tap. Awesome! And say you come across a flyer for an interesting event.
Speaker 13
Just click and you can add it to your calendar. Details about the event title, time and date, and location are automatically entered for you. And then there's that cute little puppy you see at the park. What kind of dog is that? Click and now you know. All of this is done privately using a combination of on-device intelligence and Apple services that never store your images. And there's more. The camera control is also your gateway to third-party tools, making it super fast and easy to tap into their specific domain expertise. So if you come across a bike that looks exactly like the kind you're in the market for, just tap to search Google for where you can buy something similar. And if you're studying notes from your college lecture and get stuck on a particular concept, just use the camera control to ask ChatGPT for guidance. Nice.
Speaker 13
Of course, you're always in control of when third-party tools are used and what information is shared. So that's visual intelligence. enabled by the new camera control on iPhone 16, helping you learn about your surroundings and get answers to your questions faster than ever before. It's coming to the camera control later this year. The camera control also elevates the camera experience on iPhone 16. To tell you all about it, here's Piyush.
Speaker 16
IPhone is the world's most popular camera. It has profoundly impacted the world by making it effortless for everyone to capture amazing photos and videos. Let's start with a closer look at the camera control. It's designed for an amazing camera experience that brings you new ways to capture your photos quickly and easily. The camera control is easy to use in landscape or portrait. It's flush to the surface, covered by a sapphire crystal with a smooth texture and surrounded by a color-matched stainless steel trim. The camera control elegantly blends hardware and software. When you click, it launches the camera. And once in the camera, you don't need to adjust your grip to take a photo. Just click again so you don't miss the moment. With a click and hold, you can do a quick video recording. The camera control is packed with innovation. A tactile switch which enables the click experience.
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A high precision force sensor interacts with the taptic engine, ensuring responsive haptic feedback, like in a mechanical camera shutter. Additionally, a small multi-pixel capacitive sensor and signal processor under the sapphire crystal recognize touch gestures. Thanks to this innovative design, the camera control can distinguish between a full click and a lighter press. While you click to take a photo, a lighter press reveals an all-new, clean preview that dissolves other UI elements, helping you focus on framing the shot. A light press also brings up a new overlay that allows quick access to useful camera functions. By sliding your finger on the camera control, you can adjust controls like zoom.
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When you press lightly twice, you can see other other controls, then simply slide to the control you want and press lightly again to select it, like the depth of field to compose a stunning portrait. Apps like Snapchat are also leveraging the camera control to create new experiences, like quickly sharing the moment with your friends or groups. And that's the new camera control on iPhone 16, making it even easier to capture memories and access visual intelligence. iPhone 16 also has a phenomenal 48 megapixel main camera that offers incredible flexibility. You can maximize resolution with a 48 megapixel photo with four times more resolution than the camera on iPhone 14. so you can capture fine details in the scene, like this rocky coastline.
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The main camera image pipeline can also fuse a super high resolution image with an image that's been optimized for light capture by grouping every four pixels into a larger pixel. The result is a 24 megapixel photo that balances image quality, light and detail, and a smaller file size that's great for storing and sharing. Computational photography also allows us to flex this main camera beyond its fixed lens. We use the middle 12 megapixels of the sensor to deliver a 2x telephoto option with full resolution photos. This 2x telephoto option has a faster aperture than any previous dedicated 2x telephoto camera on iPhone and can capture up to 1.6 times more light.
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The capability to capture 48 megapixel photos and optical quality 2x telephoto images makes this main camera a 48 megapixel Fusion camera. This 2x telephoto even has a separate image pipeline that delivers incredible quality with deep fusion, zero shutter lag, and great low light performance. And it captures 4K 60 video in Dolby Vision HDR with optical quality. iPhone 16 also has a new ultra-wide camera, now with autofocus. People love the ultra-wide camera for its versatility, from capturing more of the scene to creative framings, such as taking your own picture with it, which is so easy now with the camera control. With a larger aperture and bigger pixels, the new ultrawide camera can capture up to 2.6 times more light for even higher image quality, especially in low light situations.
Speaker 16
The new ultrawide camera also enables macro photography. So you can get really close to the subject and capture impressive images. details, like on this frog's skin and this mantis that looks so majestic in macro. With macro and the 2x telephoto zoom enabled by the 48-megapixel Fusion camera, iPhone 16 users will get the equivalent of four lenses in their pocket. And we're pushing things further with spatial capture on iPhone 16. The new camera design enables us to get stereoscopic information from the ultrawide and fusion cameras for capturing spatial videos. And for the very first time on iPhone, we can also capture spatial photos. It's so powerful to preserve your precious moments with spatial photos and videos like your kid's first steps or a family vacation and relive them for years to come on apple vision pro.
Speaker 16
Iphone 16 also makes audio quality better. Using powerful machine learning algorithms, we can reduce unwanted wind noise from your videos.
Speaker 17
I'm getting that classic San Francisco breeze. Sorry if it's loud. I'm having a great trip. I miss you guys. I'll see you when I get back.
Speaker 16
Once you've captured your moments, the true magic is enjoying them later, and we're elevating the entire experience with iOS 18. The redesigned Photos app can automatically organize your library into beautiful and useful collections, like groups of your favorite people, trips, and so much more. Because everyone's library is unique, the Photos app is now customizable. So you can reorder collections and pin the ones you access frequently. With cleanup coming with Apple intelligence, you can easily remove distracting objects in photos, even their reflections and shadows. iPhone 16 features so many exciting camera upgrades. Camera control, 48 megapixel fusion camera, the equivalent of four lenses including macro, spatial capture and more. Now, back to Cayenne.
Speaker 16
2018 drives camera and Apple.
Speaker 11
Intelligence features our amazing silicon also benefits world-class gaming we pair the powerful performance and efficiency of a18 with new system optimizations including our thermal design we updated the main logic board centralizing the chip placement and optimizing the surrounding architecture we also added a thermal substructure to dissipate heat made from 100 recycled aluminum As a result, iPhone 16 delivers up to 30% higher sustained performance for gaming. A18 also supports hardware accelerated ray tracing. This is used by games such as War Thunder Mobile to more accurately represent the reflection of the sun on the water. Hardware acceleration can run ray tracing at up to five times higher frame rates than with software-based ray tracing, allowing A18 to run these graphics smoothly.
Speaker 11
Here, ray tracing is used to create realistic shadows and reflections. These techniques aren't possible to run in real time without hardware acceleration. iPhone 16 will also support the AAA games that were previously only available for iPhone 15 Pro, like Resident Evil 7 Biohazard that launched earlier this year and assassin's creed mirage. They run great on iPhone and work seamlessly with controllers. And today, we're incredibly excited to introduce the next generation leading game from Tencent, Honor of Kings World. This is the latest installment into this massive franchise that boasts hundreds of millions of players worldwide and is one of the most popular games in the world. Players will be amazed by the Ultra Graphics Mode optimized for iPhone 16.
Speaker 11
It offers an unparalleled visual experience with higher resolution, advanced lighting effects, powerful global illumination technology, and expanded viewing distance. iPhone 16 will provide the ultimate mobile experience for Honor of Kings World, elevating gaming on a smartphone to new heights. Get ready for an incredible journey in Honor of Kings World coming to iPhone next year. These join other console-level games for iPhone that take mobile gaming to the next level. powerful workloads like gaming and Apple intelligence demand great battery life. So we gave iPhone 16 an even bigger battery, which together with the energy efficiency of A18 and the advanced power management of iOS 18, delivers a big boost in battery life.
Speaker 11
iOS 18 brings even more to iPhone 16, including new ways to customize, new text effects, and maps with detailed trail networks and hikes. iOS 18 also makes our safety capabilities even more helpful. With emergency sos live video, you can share a live video feed or photos with participating 911 dispatchers. Visual Contacts can help them better assess the emergency and enable prompt medical triage. iOS 18 includes Messages via Satellite, building upon our amazing satellite capabilities. You can send and receive messages and tap backs to stay connected with your friends and loved ones while enjoying that hike off the grid. Messages via Satellite will be available along with our other satellite features starting in the US and Canada.
Speaker 11
We've extended our satellite service to more locations to help you stay connected and safe when cellular and Wi-Fi aren't available. Emergency SOS and find my via satellite are available in 17 countries and regions across four continents. And roadside assistance via satellite, launched last year in the US, will also be available in the United Kingdom. And that's iPhone 16 with incredible camera experiences, including the 48-megapixel Fusion camera, macro and spatial capture, deep customization abilities with the Action button and iOS 18, and built for Apple intelligence from the ground up with A18, camera control that enables visual intelligence and a big boost in battery life. This marks a new era for iPhone. Here's iPhone 16 in action.
Speaker 18
Get that, get that, get that Da da da da da.
Speaker 11
IPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus are a huge leap forward. They still start at just $799 for iPhone 16 and $899 for iPhone 16 Plus. With exceptional durability, longevity and software updates, iPhone holds its value longer than other smartphones, which means it's even easier to benefit from excellent iPhone trade-in offers from Apple and our partners, including up to $800 off in the US when you trade in an iPhone 12 or newer. Trade-in can also be done in our stores or online, which are also great places to learn more. Our teams are ready to help you learn about new features like Apple Intelligence and decide which iPhone is right for you, even helping with personalized setup. And now, back to Tim.
Speaker 2
IPhone 16 is amazing, and because it's been designed to take full advantage of Apple intelligence, it's more powerful and useful than ever. Next, let's talk about our Pro models. These products introduce our most cutting-edge technologies and provide experiences that push the boundaries of what a smartphone can do. And Apple intelligence takes this even further. This year's Pro models deliver breakthrough innovation and incredible new capabilities in this gorgeous design.
Speaker 2
Designed with Apple intelligence at its core, iPhone 16 Pro brings the next generation Pro experience to our users. Here's Jaws to tell you more.
Speaker 18
IPhone 16 Pro has a stunning new design with innovations inside and out. It starts with a big improvement to the gorgeous Pro displays. They're even larger at 6.3 inches on iPhone 16 Pro and 6.9 inches on iPhone 16 Pro Max for the largest iPhone display ever, helping you see more and do more. We did this while minimizing product growth by developing the thinnest borders on any Apple product. With larger displays, ProMotion with adaptive refresh rates up to 120 Hz, Always On for important information at a glance, and amazing durability with our latest generation ceramic shield, these are by far our best iPhone displays ever. iPhone 16 Pro uses exceptionally high-quality Grade 5 titanium, which provides one of the best strength-to-weight ratios of any model and is nearly half the the weight of stainless steel.
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It's stronger and more scratch resistant than lower grades of titanium that others have used. And it features a beautiful new micro blasted texture. iPhone 16 Pro comes in four stunning finishes, a darker black titanium, a brighter white titanium, natural titanium, and a beautiful new desert titanium. It has a warmer hue on the band that's elegantly contrasted with the softer color on the back glass. iPhone 16 Pro maximizes thermal capacity with a new machine chassis made from 100% recycled aluminum, which is bonded to the titanium frame using solid state diffusion. It's combined with a graphite-clad aluminum substructure, creating an innovative architecture that enables up to 20% improvement in sustained performance. This is crucial for efficiently running advanced on-device features like Apple Intelligence and high-performance gaming.
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Battery optimizations, larger batteries, advanced power management, and the remarkable efficiency of Apple Silicon provide fantastic battery life. In fact, iPhone 16 Pro Max has the best iPhone battery life ever. iPhone 16 Pro is built from the ground up for Apple intelligence. All the Apple Intelligence capabilities you heard about earlier enhance the Pro experience like never before. We all rely on multiple apps to get work done and collaborate with our team. If you need to quickly find an important detail but can't remember where it was shared, Siri will use your personal semantic index to quickly locate the information you're looking for. If you record a meeting, Apple Intelligence will generate a summary from the transcript. And when it's time to update everyone on the latest status, you'll be able to use it to help rewrite your note in a more professional tone.
Speaker 18
And Siri's new action capabilities will be awesome for pros. Like for photographers who'll be able to ask Siri to pull up a specific shot from their library and then apply the edit to the photo in darkroom. And when scouting a location for a photo shoot, photographers will be able to use the camera control to quickly get suggestions on how to enhance the space and achieve their vision. Apple Intelligence will allow you to accomplish even more while on the go. And this is just the beginning. Apple Silicon unlocks an amazing set of features found only on iPhone 16 Pro. Let's go back to Sri to hear more about our remarkable new Pro chip.
Speaker 12
Just like A18 was key to enabling iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Pro's unique performance and feature requirements demanded a new Pro chip. This is A18 Pro. It's even faster and more efficient than A18. And it enables many of the features that are unique to iPhone 16 Pro. A18 Pro is also built with second-generation 3nm transistors. Our chips are the first smartphone chips in the world to use these smaller transistors with better density, performance, and efficiency. A18 Pro also has the new 16-core neural engine that powers amazing on-device performance for Apple intelligence. This incredibly powerful neural engine excels at generative AI workloads. Compared to the neural engine in A17 Pro, it's faster and more efficient, and is supported by a 17% increase in total system memory bandwidth.
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It's designed hand-in-hand with Apple intelligence for even better performance. Combined with the increased memory bandwidth, Apple intelligence features run up to 15% faster than on A17 Pro. The updated memory subsystem improves graphics performance as well when paired with the new, faster, six-core GPU of A18 Pro. This helps the GPU to run up to 20% faster than A17 Pro. This takes AAA games even further with the A18 Pro. Thanks specifically to new enhancements to the GPU architecture, hardware acceleration can perform ray tracing up to two times faster than a17 pro. A18 pro has the highest performance implementation of our latest 6-core CPU with two performance cores and four efficiency cores.
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The new CPU is up to 15% faster than A17 Pro and is capable of delivering the same performance using 20% less power compared to A17 Pro. Compared to A18, it's backed by larger caches for better performance in the most demanding apps and games. This is the fastest CPU in any smartphone. The new CPU also has next-generation ML accelerators that help power Apple Intelligence. They're now directly programmable for high efficiency, high throughput, and low latency computations. A18 Pro also has advanced media features that are available only on our Pro model. like the new Advanced Display Engine for ProMotion and Always-On. A18 Pro also enables faster USB 3 speeds and ProRes video recording.
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Additionally, A18 Pro has a new video encoder and a new image signal processor, which together process two times the amount of data for super-fast encoding and improved efficiency for video. As you can see, we designed A18 Pro to enable all the advanced capabilities of iPhone 16 Pro. It also powers never-before-seen camera features. Here's Della to tell you about some incredible advancements.
Speaker 19
IPhone 16 Pro empowers creativity across photos and videos, thanks to the tight integration of hardware, software, and intelligence. First, let's talk about photography. Our Pro models push the limits of how we capture the world around us, and iPhone 16 Pro brings more resolution, control, and customization than ever. iPhone 16 Pro has a new 48-megapixel Fusion camera and an innovative Apple Camera interface that delivers fast and efficient data transfer from the sensor to the chip. The new 48 megapixel Fusion camera has a second generation quad pixel sensor that can read data two times faster, enabling zero shutter lag for 48 megapixel ProRAW and HEIF photos. So you can capture this flowing dress at the exact moment with uncompromised detail. Or even when your subject won't stay still.
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We know that But high resolution matters in a variety of scenes, so we are introducing a new 48-megapixel ultra-wide camera. It has a new quad-pixel sensor for high-resolution shots with autofocus. You can capture so much more detail in wider angle shots, or when you want to get up close for a gorgeous macro shot. The 5X telephoto camera with our longest focal length is a huge hit. It lets you get closer even from far away with stunning quality. And now you get the innovative Tetra Prism design on iPhone 16 Pro Max and iPhone 16 Pro. Along with the new 48-megapixel Fusion and Ultra Wide, iPhone 16 Pro gets three new cameras. With the camera control, you can quickly open the camera app and slide between lenses for the perfect shot, like with the 5X Telephoto. Plus, there's nothing like having a dedicated, go-to control for your camera.
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It makes the Pro Camera system more versatile than ever, letting you stay immersed in the capture experience while you dial in the depth of field and exposure. Camera Control will be updated later this year with a two-stage shutter that can automatically lock focus and exposure on the subject. Just press lightly to reframe the shot without losing subject focus. We're also making it effortless to bring your creative vision to life. Our latest generation of photographic styles lets you express your creativity like never before. They begin with advancements that go deeper into the image pipeline. We can understand skin tones and locally adjust color, highlights and shadows all in real time, which allows us to push the creative range further. So now you can personalize how you or your subject appears in photos with incredible nuance. This is not just a one size fits all approach. The powerful imaging upgrades also enable more creative styles.
Speaker 19
These provide different moods and are based on past and present photography aesthetics. The adjustments are applied to specific colors, like this gorgeous style, and don't just add one shade to the entire scene. There are stunning black and white options that look great in a studio or outdoors. and this natural look with dramatic rich tones and many more. You can further personalize all of the styles with a new, simple control pad that simultaneously adjusts tone and color. Something that can be challenging to edit even with pro workflows. You can also change the style after capture, a big step up from original photographic styles. And with the camera control, you can slide through all of the styles to find the right one for your shot. With the power of A18 Pro, you can see the style apply during live preview. So this is like professional color grading in real time. We also have some exciting updates to video. To tell you all about it, here's Pallum.
Speaker 19
iPhone continues.
Speaker 20
To lead the industry in smartphone video with stunning dynamic range, gorgeous colors, and great low-light performance and stabilization. We took a tremendous leap forward last year when we introduced game-changing video capabilities like log recording, and were the first to enable support for the academy color encoding system. Together with powerful yet easy-to-use features like Cinematic Mode in 4K and Action Mode, iPhone enables people to tell their story like never before. Creative flexibility is key to getting the perfect shot, and higher frame rates enable dramatic slow-mo effects for whatever story you're telling. Take a look.
Speaker 21
Where are we walking, sister?
Speaker 22
It makes this scene feel more serious. This? Not cinematic.
Speaker 23
No, I get that. It's just when there's a giant explosion behind this, maybe it's not the best time to walk in slow motion.
Speaker 22
It's the only time to walk in slow motion. Don't look.
Speaker 21
Speaker 20
Introducing 4K at 120 frames per second, delivering our highest resolution and frame rate yet for incredible slow-mo. It's made possible by the faster sensor of the new 48-megapixel Fusion camera and the high transfer speed of the Apple Camera interface. And with the new ISP of A18 Pro, we can do frame-by-frame cinema quality color grading at 4K 120 in Dolby Vision. You can also capture 4K 120 ProRes and log directly to an external storage device for pro editing workflows requiring both high frame rate and color grading control. You can use 4K 120 in slow-mo or video mode. And now you don't have to make that upfront decision on frame rate. You can adjust the playback speed after capture in the new Photos app. There's a quarter speed playback, a new half speed option that really adds a wonderful dreamy effect, or you can bring it back to normal speed.
Speaker 20
There's also There's also a 1/5 speed option that corresponds to 24 frames per second playback. These playback speed controls are great for easy on-the-go editing. And with camera control, you can quickly capture 4K 120 in HDR. Video capture apps like Kino are also creating unique camera control experiences, like Grid Composer. This lets you frame the shot based on rule of thirds, social media formats, and even a director's viewfinder. This is a powerful video upgrade that takes storytelling on iPhone 16 Pro to the next level. Back to you, Jaws.
Speaker 18
These amazing hardware and software innovations take the creative power of iPhone 16 Pro further than ever. We're also taking a big leap forward with audio performance. iPhone 16 Pro brings new hardware, software, and intelligence innovations previously unseen on smartphones. iPhone 16 Pro has four studio-quality mics for higher quality audio recording. They provide a much lower noise floor, which means you get more true-to-life audio with reduced noise. This is great for vocal and acoustic recordings, and it makes everything that uses the microphone simply sound better. We're also enabling spatial audio capture during video recording for a more immersive experience when listening with AirPods or watching your spatial videos on Apple Vision Pro or even your home theater setup. The new studio quality mics and spatial audio capture enable creative sound editing with our new Audio Mix feature.
Speaker 18
This is an industry first, and it's powered by advanced intelligence. Audio Mix uses machine learning to identify and separate background elements from speech and lets you choose from three voice options. Say people off camera are talking during the capture.
Speaker 24
Your grandmother.
Speaker 25
Pancakes times two.
Speaker 26
Yeah, okay, that's very funny.
Speaker 18
The in-frame mix isolates the voice of the person on camera so you don't lose that perfect take.
Speaker 24
No, it's your grandma's bunk cake.
Speaker 26
Yeah, okay, that's very funny. All right.
Speaker 18
Studio Mix gives the effect of a recording in a professional studio, complete with sound-dampening walls, effectively eliminating-- Is that what I think it is?
Speaker 24
No, it's your grandma's Bundt cake.
Speaker 25
Six times two. Yeah. Okay.
Speaker 26
Okay, that's very funny. All right?
Speaker 18
And Cinematic Mix handles voices like in movies. With the vocal track position in the front,
Speaker 20
Is that what I think it is?
Speaker 24
No, it's your grandma's Bundt cake.
Speaker 18
And environmental noises in the surrounding.
Speaker 26
Speaker 18
We also have a really cool update to Voice Memos coming later this year. Many musicians already use this app to quickly capture song ideas. Well now, you can layer another track on top of an existing recording. Like if you want to sing over a previously recorded guitar track, just tap to layer another track and hit record. VoiceMemos plays the guitar track through the iPhone speakers while simultaneously recording your voice. When you're done, VoiceMemos uses advanced processing to isolate your new vocal recording and cancels the background music, giving you a professional sounding recording without the need for headphones. Musicians are going to love being able to layer ideas and capture high quality recordings right when inspiration strikes.
Speaker 18
From studio-quality mics to new sound editing, these audio capabilities are not found on any other smartphone. It's an awesome combination with the new video and photo features. Now let's take an exclusive first look at how iPhone 16 Pro is used to bring the weekend's new song and music video to life.
Speaker 27
I'm erik henriksson, i'm the cinematographer, and we're on the set with The Weeknd, shooting his music video on the new iPhone 16 Pro.
Speaker 28
Okay, Ava, we're gonna do a super fast song. Try to sing on it. Try to sing on it. Eric, 120, right? Yeah!
Speaker 27
When we were told that the iPhone can now shoot in 4K 120 frames per second, we wanted to do a music video shot in slow motion. Shooting 4K 120 really helped us to slow down reality, to slow down the elements, slow down the weekend's movement. You didn't have to think like, Oh, it's just an iPhone. We just pushed it as far as we normally do, really creating epic shots.
Speaker 29
Will there be wind and all? Yeah, we're going to have a bunch of wind and a little bit of stuff flying.
Speaker 27
I'll be standing behind you.
Speaker 29
Abel's a super cool character to shoot. I worked with him before on different sets. It's hard to miss with him.
Speaker 18
I love shooting.
Speaker 29
Portraits on the iPhone, you could get really close to the subject. It becomes really intimate. And with the new photo styles, you could dial back contrast and you could punch it up if you need. So it's super helpful to just see it as you're shooting.
Speaker 18
Speaker 29
Wow, I did not expect it to look like that. I really think the ultra-wide capture is such a cool and unique perspective. I definitely get sharper detail with the ultra-wide lens because of the new 48 megapixels. And with camera control, it allows anyone to just access so many of the features. You know, your exposure, your focal lengths, photo styles.
Speaker 27
Speaker 18
You want to just take closure?
Speaker 29
Speaker 27
With just a few taps in camera control, I can make technical decisions in real time. And if a moment comes up in between takes, we just took out the phone and we just started shooting.
Speaker 18
You don't want to break.
Speaker 27
We can get those moments when we see them, and it won't be just a memory. Two, one, action. And shooting with Apple Log means we have more flexibility to explore color in post. The new camera features on the iPhone 16 Pro make it a filmmaking powerhouse. Great take. Great take. Great take. You stop thinking about it being an iPhone, and you treat it like a normal camera.
Speaker 18
These creative capabilities are only available on the iPhone 16 Pro, and they help us enhance storytelling like never before. We also have an update to our MagSafe ecosystem. First, we have new clear and silicone MagSafe cases for the iPhone 16 lineup that work seamlessly with the camera control. They feature a sapphire crystal coupled to a conductive layer to communicate the finger movements to the camera control. We also have a new MagSafe charger for even faster wireless charging, available in two lengths, 1 and 2 meters. The iPhone 16 lineup also supports Qi 2 for improved charging efficiency, magnetic attachment, and broader compatibility. We're also making significant packaging updates to help meet our environmental commitments. The packaging for the entire iPhone 16 lineup is now 100% fiber-based, made from renewable and sustainable resources.
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which further reduces our carbon footprint. Additionally, it is slimmer, which helps reduce shipping impacts. And that's iPhone 16 pro. With apple intelligence, a18 pro, a beautiful titanium design, larger displays, camera control, and innovative features across photo, video, and audio, this is a huge step forward. iPhone 16 Pro gives users the best of iPhone that will have a meaningful impact in their daily lives. These are the best iPhones we've ever made. They start at just $999 for iPhone 16 Pro and $1199 for iPhone 16 Pro Max. We also have amazing offers from Apple and our partners, including up to $1,000 off in the US when you trade in an iPhone 12 Pro or newer. All new iPhone 16 models will be available for pre-order on Friday and will be available in stores next week on September 20th.
Speaker 18
With Apple intelligence on iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro, this is the most extraordinary iPhone lineup ever. Now, back to Tim.
Speaker 2
Thank you, JAWS, and thanks to all of our presenters. What a remarkable day of announcements about products that continue to make a profound impact on all of our lives. We announced Apple Watch Series 10, the thinnest Apple Watch yet, featuring our biggest display, fastest charging, and incredible new capabilities. And the stunning new Apple Watch Ultra 2 in black titanium. It's the ultimate Apple Watch. Both have sleep apnea detection and come with all of the advanced features of WatchOS 11. AirPods 4, with its comfortable new design, incredible improvements to audio performance, and the option of active noise cancellation. AirPods Max, with USB-C for more convenient charging in beautiful new colors.
Speaker 2
revolutionary new end-to-end hearing health experience that includes being able to use your AirPods Pro 2 as a clinical grade hearing aid. I'm really excited about the impact this will have on so many people's lives. I'm also excited about a new generation of iPhone built from the ground up to deliver Apple intelligence and its breakthrough capabilities. iPhone 16, powered by A18, with an incredible new 48 megapixel fusion camera, fantastic photo experiences, the addition of the action button and the camera control, as well as all of the capabilities of iOS 18. And iPhone 16 Pro, the most advanced iPhone we've ever made. Powered by A18 Pro, featuring even larger displays, industry-leading pro camera system with a camera control and studio quality audio.
Speaker 2
The innovation and invention these products deliver will continue to deepen the meaningful impact they have on all of our lives. I'm proud of our teams and what they've accomplished, and I can't wait for you to experience these amazing products. Thanks for joining us. Have a great day.
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